UneXpectÁlbum: Fables of the Sleepless Empire
Año: 2011
Género: Avant-Garde/Progressive Metal
País: Cánada
Formación:Leïlindel - Vocals
Syriak - Guitars, Vocals
ChaotH - Bass
Landryx - Drums
Artagoth - Guitar, Vocals
Blaise Borboen-Leonard - Violin
Info:Página OficialMyspace
TrackList:1.Unsolved Ideas of a Distorted Guest
3.Orange Vigilantes
4.Mechanical Phoenix
5.The Quantum Symphony
6.Unfed Pendulum
7.In the Mind of the Last Whale (instrumental)
8.Silence this Parasite
9.A Fading Stance
10.When the Joyful Dead are Dancing
11.Until yet a few more Deaths do us Part