Inicio » Diary Of Destruction

Diary of Destruction
Disc: Dark Road To Recovery
Year: 2013
Genre: Melodic Gothic Metal
Country: France

Audrey Ebrotié - Vocals, Grunts
Bérengère Bulckaen - Bass
Anthony Dutilleul - Lead Guitars, Growls
Johan Debacq - Drums


1.Dazzling Dark          
2.Last Request           
3.That's It !           
4.Working Through Pain          
5.My Dull Soul          
6.All Begins By A Treason           
7.Ask For The Forgiveness          
8.Hope And Despair          
9.Two Years Again           
11.Hit The Road          
12.I Shine

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Categoría: Diary Of Destruction | Vistas: 719 | Agregado por: FemminaMusica | Fecha: 02.May.2013

ALBUN: Outside The Shade (EP)
AÑO: 2010
GENERO: Melodic Gothic Metal
PAIS: France

Audrey Ebrotié - Vocals
Bérengère Bulckaen - Bass
Johan Debacq - Drums
Anthony Dutilleul - Lead-Guitars


Diary Of Destruction - Outside The Shade (EP) [2010]

1. Outside The Shade.
2. Without Beauty.
3. Men Blunder.
4. Storm.
5. Unbreakable.
6. The other Side.

Categoría: Diary Of Destruction | Vistas: 696 | Agregado por: belen_tristania | Fecha: 15.Jan.2012